А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.



PEP 770: Improving measurability of Python packages with Software Bill-of-Materials
Specify TYPE_CHECKING = False without typing import
Make more of the standard library import on demand
PEP 769: Add a 'default' keyword argument to 'attrgetter' and 'itemgetter'
A new tail-calling interpreter for significantly better interpreter performance
Shipping common libraries in a dedicated wheel
Adding a contextlib.ModificationContext base class
Static analysis at odds with runtime goals
Add RW locks to python?
Pass values from called python program back to caller program for data use
Migrating from Python3.9 to Python3.12 issues
Os.getcwd a gamble?
Possible bug in str.count
How do I calculate total down slope distances
Best practice for reseting @functools.cached_property
Gettext, virtualenvs, file not found
Complimentary tickets to PyCon US: what about other conferences?
PEP 694 (PyPI upload API 2.0)
Allow harmless overriding of Final attributes for documentation purposes
assertStartWith vs assertStartwith
Current blockers on runtime deferal of typing imports
Worldtimeapi.org is down
Persistent SyntaxError ("name used prior to global declaration") on macOS M4 with Python 3.9/3.10, even in minimal scripts and new virtual environments, not resolved by typical troubleshooting
Should sys.is_finalizing() report interpreter finalization instead of runtime finalization?
Support argparse externally defined formatters?
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'audioop'
Why standard lib LazyModule checks if module was substituted during lazy load?
Function interface for a class (design question)
Conversion does not do what expected
Formatters in Logging Module Should Allow F-Strings
"Essential Contextual Code Commenting" guideline for (concisely) commenting code
Struggling to avoid namespace packages
Want To Stay In Pop-Up Window Until Button Is Pressed
Why does functools.wraps not preserve wrapped function signature when used on __call__?
Understanding includes
Noticed a Strange Happening with Data Type
Why Do Some Python Libraries Require Compilation During Installation?
An error about the use of "%"
Makes _delete attribute from TemporaryDirectory public #128643
Identifying files with specific words and writing them to an Excel file using Python in Excel
Asyncio method chaining
How to learn python in a structured method?
Inconsistent behavior that adding current directory to sys.path
I need help with a module I am making
Add ability to log qualified name in logging package
Check if venv satisfies requirements
Questions about __post_init__ when unpickling
Load Controller Applications using Python
TCP server to client
Python game don't schows level if choosed by the player on the menu


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Cinnamon/kotaemon — An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
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OpenSPG/KAG — KAG is a logical form-guided reasoning and retrieval framework based on OpenSPG engine and LLMs. It is used to build logical reasoning and factual Q&A solutions for professional domain knowledge bases. It can effectively overcome the shortcomings of the traditional RAG vector similarity calculation model.
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