А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.


Python 3.13.0rc2 tomorrow^W this Friday!
An average function builtin?
String API changes
Nicer formatting to spike Black
PEP 752: Implicit namespaces for package repositories
Definitions of “interpreted language” and “compiled language” with explanations of why Python and Java are or are not such languages
Why is yield not in the operator precedence table?
Can't Download Python :(
Python 3.13.0RC2, 3.12.6, 3.11.10, 3.10.15, 3.9.20, and 3.8.20 are now available!
Local variable error
Cant run .png file downloaded from using a python file, but works fine downloading directly?
Warning when adding containers as attributes of dataframes?
Deprecation of PyPI XMLRPC Methods
API for Python 3.13 prevents use of 3rd party GC allocators
PEP 753: Uniform project URLs in core metadata
Requires-python and pre-release Python versions?
Accidental flagging, does it happen to anyone else?
Struct in python
PyPI support contact
Built-in "default value" function, like NVL(x, y) in SQL
Allow min() and max() to return both the key and value
Discourse view of a topic jumps around
Help Creating a Function
Can we expose the head of gc generation0?
How to debug and resolve CPython test failures in test_embed
PEP 755: Implicit namespace policy for PyPI
Running generators in executors asynchronously
How to add a txt file to my package?
Error in math.log() method
Py_INCREF Py_DECREF and Reference Counting
Deep recursion PyObject_IsInstance raises SystemError
How to type hint a class decorator?
Review requested for 13 pull requests
Can't find a particular recognize engine
Free-Threading instance method slow
How am I supposed to use Annotated?
Python 3.12 Won't Launch on Windows 11 with Module Encodings Error
Reading a table from a file using inbuilt python libraries
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _path
Print exception notes - in repr(exc) or otherwise
Py & pip installation DIR SSLError
Project Euler - Question 2
Speech recognition is not taking voice as input
Sort in output file
Finding strings in DF syntax [SOLVED]
Best generator for python/html website building?
Python unify logging format
Multi process pool slow down overtime on linux vs. windows
Kernel restarts at start of QThread
Websocket messages sent to multiple clients are not being received

Блог PSF


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