А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.


PEP 751: lock files (again)
Python’s Supportive and Welcoming Environment is Tightly Coupled to Its Progress
Gauging interest in my IMAP4 IDLE implementation for imaplib
repeat compound statement
New classes for unittest.mock
Interesting topics for an advanced Python lecture
New Transformation .. Operator to Transform Values
[Clean code] Multiple Returns or Single Return at the End in if-else
capability to compile Python code with dependencies into a standalone binary executable without bundling the interpreter
Writing to a file will not work in def
How to upload a compressed file (.gz) to the swift object storage using Python swift client?
Module Imports Not Displaying
Actionbar error
New blurb 1.2: please upgrade
I propose a security audit of the Python3 standard library
Suggesting two very minor, non-urgent updates to the Python Discourse site
Please add international language to the translation of Python3 documentation including Russian language
Merging the "Type Stubs" doc into the rest of the typing documentation
Scroll Art - Programming projects for beginners
Package Pruning
PEP 743 – Add Py_COMPAT_API_VERSION to the Python C API (take 2)
Using the type system to statically detect typos in Literal arguments
Could tempfile.TemporaryFile and tempfile.TemporaryDirectory be PathLike?
Copying signature of __init__ to a mixin class method
Importing a function
How to get output from subprocess.Popen along with visible execution?
PyPi: What do I do with my Recovery Codes?
How to download python on a school computer?
I am new Python learner
Is there a way to enforce subclasses to implement all the desired methods?
C++ embedding python type hints SyntaxError: invalid syntax?
OSError: [WinError 87]
SQLite error: near "(": syntax error
How to handle multiple subprocesses simultaneously
Python gets stuck on permisions and im lazy to go as administrator
Packing TypeVarTuples into bound, covariant TypeVars
[Pyndantic, classes] How should I design/structure these classes with type hints and validation?
Can I figure out the type of a ctypes field?
@dataclass_transform: How to treat "kw_only" parameter defaults of field specifiers?
Extracting Value from List
Calling Python code from various C threads
Writing an algorithm to shift a linked list according to k variance
LZMA non-streamed compression
Issue with python3.11 connector on EL9
Is it ok to mix libraries which define PY_LIMITED_API and libraries which do not define it?
Parse Dictionary/Object/JSON
Python gives a successful installation message but does not appear on my computer
Help with blanks in Date field?
What does .. testcode:: or .. doctest:: do in *.rst files?

Блог PSF

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ollama/ollama-python — Ollama Python library
meta-llama/llama3 — The official Meta Llama 3 GitHub site
public-apis/public-apis — A collective list of free APIs
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