А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.


Python Packaging Strategy Discussion - Part 1
Inlining comprehensions -- what are the compatibility constraints?
String joining design
Draft PEP: Adding Vulnerability Data to the Simple API for Package Indexes
F-string by default?
How to handle Security blocking PyPi.org
Private, protected modifier and __ notation
PermissionError [Errno 13] Permission denied Python 2023
How to read 1MB of input from stdin?
A way to exit cleanly without the possibility of caller catching it
Appending JSON to same file
Python 3.11 performance with frame pointers
Sqlite3: consider deprecating combining named placeholders with sequence of params
About speed.python.org and aarch64
Type conversions using as
Example of monorepo with pypi publishing
Allow defaultdict factory function to optionally accept input key for dynamic defaults
Troubleshoot download issue with Python 3.10
How to compile python source code with some specific parameters?
Package database
Check for assert prefixes doesn't respect spec
I found a bug in python set.update(set())
Python incorrectly installed
String Time formatting and Parsing Strftime() and Strptime()
Novice Question on Installation
Python-3.11.0 build fail
Mental block, simple question
Deprecate or offer a way to disable ctypes "simple types autocast" behavior
ProxyError while running my python script
Error compiling Python3.11.1 on rockylinux
Can't Install Python because Executable won't Open
Visual Studio Code script won't run
Can you help me please? it'is importent
Need some help with my first code
Help with my Python Program
Wrong documentation of logging.setLogRecordFactory?
Python 2 and Python 3 on Windows 10
Need help with Subprocess usage
How to read exactly N bytes from stdin in Native Messaging host?
Running timer as another subprocess?
Add value to every nth column in row in Excel using Openpyxl
User choice menu, posibility of user choosing option using not-yet given data
Generation calculator error
Python shelve add sub db support via prefix
Uninstall editable (Development Mode) packages did not remove their egg-info folders
Using concurrent.futures.Future directly
Multiple errors on python script with panda package
Data disappears in merged cells
Delete message after it shown
How to include modules in my embedded python static library?

StackOverflow на русском

Популярное на GitHub

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jerryjliu/gpt_index — An index created by GPT to organize external information and answer queries!
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home-assistant/core — 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
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Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes — Full reference of LinkedIn answers 2022 for skill assessments (aws-lambda, rest-api, javascript, react, git, html, jquery, mongodb, java, Go, python, machine-learning, power-point) linkedin excel test lösungen, linkedin machine learning test LinkedIn test questions and answers


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