Сводка 01.11.2020 — 08.11.2020
А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.
ANN: Leo 6.3 final released |
attrs 20.3.0 |
ANN: SciPy 1.5.4 |
[RELEASE] Python 3.10.0a2 available for testing |
NumPy 1.19.4 release |
Разработка языка
filterwarnings on a module in the current stack |
unix filter, one liners, awk |
propose index heap |
A python_include() for cgi programming |
Enum and the Standard Library (and __str__ and __repr__) |
StackOverflow на русском
Популярное на GitHub
l1ving/youtube-dl — A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes. |
facebookresearch/pifuhd — High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image. |
MobSF/Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF — Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis. |
blackjack4494/yt-dlc — media downloader and libray for various sites. |
apache/incubator-superset — Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform |
alievk/avatarify — Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps. |
tychxn/jd-assistant — 京东抢购助手:包含登录,查询商品库存/价格,添加/清空购物车,抢购商品(下单),查询订单等功能 |
chubin/cheat.sh — the only cheat sheet you need |
gto76/python-cheatsheet — Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet |
jofpin/trape — People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino |
geohot/tinygrad — You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️ |
soimort/you-get — ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web |
netbox-community/netbox — IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool. |
threat9/routersploit — Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices |
google/jax — Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more |
keon/algorithms — Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python |
jumpserver/jumpserver — JumpServer 是全球首款开源的堡垒机,是符合 4A 的专业运维安全审计系统。 |
floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap — Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech! |
UKPLab/sentence-transformers — Sentence Embeddings with BERT & XLNet |
Ultimaker/Cura — 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework |
facebookresearch/detectron2 — Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation. |
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