А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.



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Популярное на GitHub

3b1b/manim — Animation engine for explanatory math videos
TachibanaYoshino/AnimeGAN — A Tensorflow implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation ! This is the Open source of the paper <AnimeGAN: a novel lightweight GAN for photo animation>, which uses the GAN framwork to transform real-world photos into anime images.
datasets/covid-19 — Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases
donnemartin/system-design-primer — Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
CodeForPhilly/chime — COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
geohot/corona — Reverse engineering SARS-CoV-2
wbt5/real-url — 获取斗鱼&虎牙&哔哩哔哩&抖音&网易CC&火猫&企鹅电竞&YY直播&一直播&快手&花椒&映客 等直播平台的真实流媒体地址(直播源),可在PotPlayer、flv.js等播放器中播放。
mementum/backtrader — Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning — Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
public-apis/public-apis — A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
microsoft/nlp-recipes — Natural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples
rwightman/pytorch-image-models — PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- (SE)ResNet/ResNeXT, DPN, EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, MNASNet, Single-Path NAS, FBNet, and more
jackzhenguo/python-small-examples — Python有趣的小例子一网打尽。Python基础、Python坑点、Python字符串和正则、Python绘图、Python日期和文件、Web开发、数据科学、机器学习、深度学习、TensorFlow、Pytorch,一切都是简单易懂的小例子。
lazyprogrammer/machine_learning_examples — A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
keras-team/keras — Deep Learning for humans
echen102/COVID-19-TweetIDs — The repository contains an ongoing collection of tweets IDs associated with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), which commenced on January 28, 2020.
corpnewt/gibMacOS — Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple
PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning — The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate
plotly/dash — Analytical Web Apps for Python & R. No JavaScript Required.
scikit-learn/scikit-learn — scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
python-poetry/poetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
Pure-L0G1C/Instagram — Bruteforce attack for Instagram


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