А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.


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Популярное на GitHub

cool-RR / PySnooper — Never use print for debugging again
jackfrued / Python-100-Days — Python - 100天从新手到大师
3b1b / manim — Animation engine for explanatory math videos
zhaoolee / ChromeAppHeroes — 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~
nubank / fklearn — fklearn: Functional Machine Learning
openai / sparse_attention — Examples of using sparse attention, as in "Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers"
tensorflow / models — Models and examples built with TensorFlow
shengqiangzhang / examples-of-web-crawlers — python爬虫例子,对新手比较友好。淘宝模拟登录,淘宝商品爬虫,淘宝我已购买的宝贝爬虫,天猫商品爬虫,每天不同时间段通过微信发消息提醒女友,爬取5K分辨率超清唯美壁纸,爬取豆瓣排行榜电影数据(含GUI界面版),多线程+代理池爬取天天基金网、股票数据(无需使用爬虫框架),一键生成微信个人专属数据报告(了解你的微信社交历史)
vinta / awesome-python — A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
hzwer / LearningToPaint — A painting AI that can reproduce paintings stroke by stroke using deep reinforcement learning.
databricks / koalas — Koalas: Pandas API on Apache Spark
ytdl-org / youtube-dl — Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
s0md3v / Photon — Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
soimort / you-get — ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
deepfakes / faceswap — Non official project based on original /r/Deepfakes thread. Many thanks to him!
521xueweihan / HelloGitHub — 一个分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。让你找到编程的乐趣,欢迎推荐、自荐项目「每月28号更新」
pallets / flask — The Python micro framework for building web applications.


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