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Популярное на GitHub

apachecn / awesome-leetcode — Leetcode 题解 (跟随思路一步一步撸出代码) 及经典算法实现
donnemartin / system-design-primer — Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
HuberTRoy / leetCode — 算法相关知识储备
vinta / awesome-python — A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
rg3 / youtube-dl — Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
rwv / chinese-dos-games — 🎮 Chinese DOS games in browser.
keras-team / keras — Deep Learning for humans
loremwalker / WebSiteUseful — 🍅 翻墙!科学上网,免费ss帐号分享、ssr订阅源,免费VPN下载,获取及使用教程请看:https://github.com/loremwalker/fq-book
toddmotto / public-apis — A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
imhuay / Algorithm_Interview_Notes-Chinese — 2018/2019/校招/春招/秋招/算法/机器学习(Machine Learning)/深度学习(Deep Learning)/自然语言处理(NLP)/C/C++/Python/面试笔记
GeorgeSeif / Semantic-Segmentation-Suite — Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow. Implement, train, and test new Semantic Segmentation models easily!
byt3bl33d3r / SprayingToolkit — Scripts to make password spraying attacks against Lync/S4B & OWA a lot quicker, less painful and more efficient
pypa / pipenv — Python Development Workflow for Humans.
scikit-learn / scikit-learn — scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
apachecn / AiLearning — AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP
hill-a / stable-baselines — A fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
requests / requests — Python HTTP Requests for Humans™ ✨🍰✨


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