Сводка 12.08.2018 — 19.08.2018
А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.
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StackOverflow на русском
Популярное на GitHub
astorfi / Deep-Learning-World — 📡 Organized Resources for Deep Learning Researchers and Developers |
calebmadrigal / trackerjacker — Like nmap for mapping wifi networks you're not connected to, plus device tracking |
imhuay / Interview_Notes-Chinese — 2018/2019/校招/春招/秋招/自然语言处理(NLP)/深度学习(Deep Learning)/机器学习(Machine Learning)/C/C++/Python/面试笔记 |
virtualabs / btlejack — Bluetooth Low Energy Swiss-army knife |
pwxcoo / chinese-xinhua — 中华新华字典数据库。包括歇后语,成语,词语,汉字。提供新华字典API。 |
google / python-fire — Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. |
IEEEKeralaSection / rescuekerala — Website for coordinating rehabilitation of people affected in the 2018 Kerala Floods |
tensorflow / models — Models and examples built with TensorFlow |
facebookresearch / UnsupervisedMT — Phrase-Based & Neural Unsupervised Machine Translation |
jhfjhfj1 / autokeras — accessible AutoML for deep learning. |
ashutosh1206 / Crypton — Library consisting of explanation and implementation of all the existing attacks on various Encryption Systems, Digital Signatures, Hashing Algorithms along with example challenges from CTFs |
yogurt-cultures / kefir — Kefir is a natural language processing kit for Turkic languages |
django / django — The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. |
s0md3v / Photon — Incredibly fast crawler which extracts urls, emails, files, website accounts and much more. |