Версии Python
Про Python
Сводка 03.09.2017 — 10.09.2017
10 сен. 17 12:10
Сводка 03.09.2017 — 10.09.2017
А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.
ANN: psutil 5.3.0 with full unicode support is out
salabim: a new discrete event simulation package
Complex numbers
Wing Python IDE v. 6.0.7 released
Python 3.3.7rc1 now available prior to Python 3.3 end-of-life
pytest 3.2.2 released
Разработка языка
PEP 550 V5
pythonhosted.org doc upload no longer works
removing IRIX support
Complex numbers
Removing pure Python implementation of OrderedDict
To reduce Python "application" startup time
Compiling without multithreading support -- still useful?
Map and Wirelessly Control the Human Brain Using 50 Nanometer Particles and Radio Waves
Version and Last-Modified headers are no longer required in PEPs.
Workflow change reminder: The Blurb Has Landed
PEP 549: Instance Properties (aka: module properties)
PEP 550 v4
PEP 548: More Flexible Loop Control
Cherry picker bot deployed in CPython repo
PEP 553: Built-in debug()
Looking for review on small argparse patch
Consolidate stateful runtime globals
Python 3.3.7rc1 now available prior to Python 3.3 end-of-life
New C API not leaking implementation details: an usable stable ABI
PEP 550 discussion time out
Memory bitmaps for the Python cyclic garbage collector
PEP 553 V2 - builtin breakpoint() (was Re: PEP 553: Built-in debug())
PEP 552: deterministic pycs
HTTPS on bugs.python.org
PEP 539 v3: A new C API for Thread-Local Storage in CPython
PEP 552: single magic number
Pygments in PEPs?
PEP 557: Data Classes
PEP 556: Threaded garbage collection
Lazy initialization of module global state
Summary of Python tracker Issues
PEP 549 v2: now titled Instance Descriptors
make multissltests
PEP 554 v2 (new "interpreters" module)
PEP 559 - built-in noop()
tarfile.extractall progress
PEP draft: context variables
Add os.usable_cpu_count()
Adding "View Python 3 Documentation" to all Python 2 documentation URLs
if {expression} as {variable}
Extension of python/json syntax to support explicitly sets and ordered dict.
lazy import via __future__ or compiler analysis
PEP 554: Stdlib Module to Support Multiple Interpreters in Python Code
Lazy creation of module level functions and classes
Hexadecimal floating literals
Adding new lines to "Zen of Python"
factory for efficient creation of many dicts with the same keys
Add a more disciplined ways of registering ABCs
use time.time() as Timer failed on `**`
Closeness of coordinates in two groups with memory constraints
Update a dictionary with values from a list in Python
Python Turtle: change pencolor of square when clicking
Making diamond ASCII art with Python
Built-in, indexless, pretty-columns output with Pandas
StackOverflow на русском
Как узнать в Си расширении, сколько всего аргументов передано в Питон функцию, все их просуммировать и вернуть результат?
Почему нельзя перегрузить конструктор numpy.ndarray?
Откуда берется ошибка "TypeError: Expected bytes" при попытке установить куки в Flask?
Как отправить полученный файл на другой сервер?
Pipelines в scikit. Построение алгоритма
Найти числа с процентами в строке
Помогите вставить смайл
500 error Отдача динамической карты сайта в nginx
Создание рекуррентной нейронной сети на scikit-learn
Как сохранить сессию при парсинге?
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