Сводка 23.07.2017 — 30.07.2017
А теперь о том, что происходило в последнее время на других ресурсах.
cx_Oracle 6.0rc2 |
wxPython 4.0.0b1 |
RELEASED] Python 3.4.7rc1 and Python 3.5.4rc1 are now available |
Vulture 0.20 |
Vulture 0.21 |
PyCA cryptography 2.0.1 released |
Разработка языка
namedtuple literals |
namedtuple redesign goals |
HTTP compression support for http .server |
Idea : for smarter assignment? |
namedtuple nit... |
How do I calculate the number of consecutive columns with zero values from the right until the first non zero element occurs |
Returning the second largest in the list |
StackOverflow на русском
На заметку
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